Flow meters calibration

At each stage of the logistics chain in the fuel and chemical industries, one of the most important factors influencing the settlement of the technological process is maintaining the highest accuracy of the measurement installations.
There are a number of methods and systems for checking the correctness of the indications of measurement installations. However, due to the fact that the characteristics of flow meters are influenced by the way they are installed and the type of medium (density and viscosity), more and more often, measuring systems are calibrated under operating conditions.
The PERN Measurement Systems Team provides services for checking the correctness of measurement system indications as part of their calibration and checking the correctness of measurement system indications as part of external metrological control carried out by territorially competent units of measurement administration and notified bodies in cooperation with the PERN Measurement Systems Team.
Above checks are carried out with the use of a mobile piston standard, with an expanded uncertainty of 0.052% (with an expansion probability of approx. 95% and a coverage factor k = 2), for which the Expertise Certificate issued by the Central Office of Measures was obtained in 2016. The obtained Expertise is proof of the credibility of the above-mentioned checks carried out by the PERN Measurement Systems Team and is a confirmation for external and internal customers of the reference of the results of the measurements to the National Standards of Measurement Units and the entry of the tested measuring installation into the existing measuring chain in the country.